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Thursday, January 14, 2016

New Years Update on Models

So with the new semester starting (and with the unfortunate passing of David Bowie and Alan Rickman), I decided it would be an... alright time to update the 4 people reading this on what I'm doing.

I'm working on multiple models, as usual.

First on the list is updates to Big Boss from MGSV

"Kept you waiting, huh?"

Not much new on him. Added objects for his legs along with making Boots. Unfortunately, I had hidden the dark grey shirt thing he has under the black vest but on top of the light grey shirt. Very happy with how it's turning out. But I'm kinda worried with how I'll make the hands. Hopefully, I'll be decent at it when I start working on hands again.

Next is a cigar

"JFK liked these, too!"

It's specifically a H. Upmann No. 2. Specifically, it's the cigar Big Boss smokes (supposedly). Making it to go along with the model. I didn't make original textures for it (just got a pic of a H. Upmann No 2. from google and used that, but maybe I'll actually get good at making textures in the future. I also will most likely make the sticker on the cigar it's own object and make it shiny.

Afterwards is the Ragnarok Sword from Golden Sun

"What's scarier than a giant sword falling from the sky?"

Took a long time to make, considering how simple it is. But I like the result. Will probably texture it (along with all the models) in Mudbox, but that might take a while considering I have never textured before in my life. This goes along with the next model.

Which is Isaac from Golden Sun

"I haven't played a single game from this guys series"

Most of the model is finalized, except for the scarf, hands, gauntlets, and the things going around the pauldron on his front. In reality, nothing is really done. Although I won't be making major changes to anything that hasn't already been listed. I'll be working on his head later aka when I get good/have time to do it.

Up next is Lyn from Fire Emblem 7

"Lyn for Smash5?"

She's currently set up to use the Brawl textures, although that can easily be changed. I changed the model a lot since this picture (the brown wrap in the middle doesn't have perforations, the hands aren't as high poly, neither are the gloves. She also has new-ish boots (her boots have some indentations along with some cloth around it, so that was added. Can't really see it when her skirt is covering it). I also changed the rope hanging off her side so that it has an end like the artwork. Overall, I'm very happy with her progress considering I haven't done much since then.

Don't know if I've shown this or not, but next is Luke Skywalker from Star Wars Episode 6: Return of the Jedi

"I have really good lines, unlike my father before me"

The texture and the head model are from Star Wars the Force Unleashed, although the body and boots are mine. I'm quite close to finishing it, but lack of experience with hands and heads is what's holding me back. Along with the lack of experience with making lightsabers.

Right up next is his father, Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

"Sand gets in everything, is coarse, and stuff."

The head, belt, hands (includes the robotic hand), and the lower body cloth hanging from his belt downwards aren't mine, but the rest was made by me. Model parts that are being shown are from Star Wars the Force Unleashed. Same problems as Luke does: I suck with making hands and heads. And apparently, so does the developer of The Force Unleashed.

Last on the list (for now) is Gray Fox

"Stop hurting me pls"

I started this model on a whim, and he's really shaping up. I have to redo his bronze arm sections because it looks... kinda odd. I'll be reusing the base mesh to make a Metal Gear 1 Gray Fox (when he was actually human). Just need to study how to make actual clothes. Those are really hard to make for some reason  >.>
After I finish with remaking the arms, it'll probably be sword, feet, head (because it's not completely organic, yay), and hands. Then it'll be off to Mudbox/ZBrush (I think), and then texturing in Mudbox from there.

That's it for this time. As you might have noticed, Omen isn't on the list anymore. For the same reason that LoL cut him, I did too: I didn't like him. Okay, that's not the real reason. But it's because I really am not ready to make him. I'll need more practice with models before I start on alien stuff. That and I actually want to finish a model soon (preferably Big Boss and Gray Fox being the first ones done, with the rest following). But we'll see how things turn out.

Thanks for reading!